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You’ve Been Spotted ~ Sailor


As the weather gets cooler, I have a feeling I will be posting more images of dogs than humans, simply because dogs have built-in fur coats and their noses don’t turn red! But Sailor sure looks good in red. I love that bandana, and I LOVE that one ear that sticks up like a sail in the salty wind. He loves to play on Island View Beach almost every day… especially when other furry familiar friends pass by. But this day, his nose was working overtime… something must have been in the water, because he kept looking out to sea, and stepping close to the water as though he was sensing something out there. Can you imagine what it must be like to have such an acute sense of smell? Think of all the scents that send a dog into his own distracted oblivion while on a simple walk, and how hard it is to pull them away from whatever it is they are transfixed upon… it must be overwhelming. I wonder what his nose was telling him this day? Actually… I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t want to know. What I do know is, Sailor is an exceptionally beautiful dog. And I’m so glad I had the chance to capture him at play on the beach this mild grey day. He is the latest dog in my “You’ve Been Spotted” series… who will I stumble upon next?

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Toffi the Pirate



Is it possible to be a formidable pirate and be cute and adorable at the same time? If you are Toffi, it is absolutely possible! He sure lets you know that he is captain of the ship when you come to visit him. Really, all bark and no bite though. With a slight tilt to the head and a big-eyed look into the camera, all of his menacing pirate-ness takes a walk off the plank. This little scallywag is ready for Halloween… are you? Arrrrrr!!!


  • Alison - He’s an adorable little pirate! Happy Halloween!ReplyCancel

    • Jaime - He is adorable, isn’t he? Happy Halloween to you as well, and thanks for visiting!ReplyCancel

Creatures of the Forest Floor



Mysterious little beings, they are… mushrooms. They seem to secretly sprout from the ground under the cover of fallen leaf, seemingly overnight. Then they pop open like miniature umbrellas providing a rainy day respite for tiny creatures that dwell in the moss. I sometimes wish I was small enough to stand under one. Within days, they flare out and then implode… and just like that, they are gone. I feel like a child who has discovered a hidden easter egg when I find one. They are one of my favourite subjects to capture in nature. My macro lens helps me suspend my disbelief as it reveals to me a bug’s eye view and makes me forget temporarily that I am a giant in this realm, dwarfed only by the trees. Tiny toadstools… spore-shooters… conjurors of fairy ring. I am enchanted and forever fascinated by them.

Poppy the Ragdoll

This little ball of fluff and sweetness, took a tiny piece of my heart… and will probably never give it back. Not that I want her to. Her name is Poppy and she is such a special little kitten. She is extra special to me because she is one of very few cats I can actually pick up and hold and cuddle without succumbing to a fit of sneezing and itchy watery eyes! No fair, when an animal lover has allergies. But I get to pretend I’m not allergic to cats when I am around Poppy. You see, Ragdolls don’t seem to have the same effect on people like me. And resisting her is almost near impossible. You see her, and you just want to pick her up. Or pet her. Or watch her head slowly fall backwards as she falls asleep on the back cushions of the couch! Everything she does ups her cute factor. Even when she’s just standing there. But especially when she tries to look fierce as she chases her toy mouse across the hardwood floor. Those beautiful blue eyes… and do you see that single rogue whisker that darts out past all the other whiskers? How does that not steal your heart?

Autumn, I Will Sing You a Love Song




Is it just me, or does fall seem shorter than the other seasons? It seems to flutter in like a restless leaf before it detaches from the branch, and then it blows out in a November storm, headed straight into the arms of winter. (But let’s not talk of November just yet…) Maybe it’s because  I love it so, that it feels so fleeting. I mean, what’s not to love? Tea tastes better when the warmth of the mug snuggles up to cold hands. And what about the delicious crunch of leaves underfoot, or the even more delicious taste of apple crisp with a healthy dollop of vanilla ice cream melting on top? Sweaters and boots feel like warm hugs to the body. And who can resist the excitement of an approaching wind storm or the more gentle lull of raindrops on the windowpane as we drift into sleep? Each season has its own sensory delights that make us feel comforted and nostalgic.. but there’s something about fall that makes me wish it lasted twice as long.

A Boy and His Favourite Dog

He has two live Chihuahuas as family pets. But the one he wanted to bring to the beach was his stuffed one… his name? Chihuahua, of course! How cute is that? Usually when I photograph children his age, I get all kinds of cheesy smiles when they see the camera pointed at them. All teeth showing, happy little grins, but not so authentic. Kieran was different. When he looked into the camera, he would bat his eyelashes at me. Blinking and blinking… every time he heard the click of the shutter. It resulted in many photos with his eyes closed… or half closed. But of all the children I have photographed over the years, not one has done this. It was almost as though he was flirting with the camera… showing his coquettish side.. playing with me. He made me laugh so hard I had to put the camera down! Such a sweet charmer. What a beautiful child. And so much fun to play with on the beach in the raindrops.

You’ve Been Spotted ~ Cruz

He stole a shoe… he ate a leaf, and then another leaf…. he dug a hole under a log and made himself a little cave… then he chewed some more driftwood and got sand on his nose. He played with a soccer ball almost half his size… then fearlessly played with a dog 20 times his size. I’ll bet he had a good nap when he got home… all that heavy duty playtime must have worn him out! A day in the life of a puppy. I am so happy to have been able to capture this sweet little guy as I begin to build my “you’ve been spotted” series. Each time I discover a furry friend on my travels that I can’t resist photographing, I will be sharing the joy here with you. Who will I find next?

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  • Tina Patricia D'souza - Really loved your write up Jaime !! Really happy to know that there are other kindred spirits who identify beauty and wonderment in the simplest of things 🙂ReplyCancel

The Importance of Being Silly


Aren’t these two little girls cute as a button? Their parents are pretty wonderful, too. We headed to the beach closest to home and hung out for a while. The younger one loved to make faces at me… every time the camera was pointed in her direction, she would stick out her tongue or squint her eyes, or make some silly funny face. She’s just practicing for when she grows up, as I know she wants to be an actress, or a singer, or a dancer… someone in the limelight. But I also knew that if I was patient, and kept watching, she would present something beautiful to me… and I can tell you, my patience paid off. The older one loved to have one on one time with me so that we could talk and I could take her picture without her little sister coming in to steal the show (which she did attempt to do a few times!) Those big thoughtful eyes behind her glasses… just adorable. There’s nothing I love more than to photograph children who present themselves purely as themselves… they are so good at that. No fear of the camera, no masks… although I did see a few funny faces, but that is the kind of mask that makes the whole experience so joyful!

Rocket and his Family


I had to start this blog post with a picture of Rocket looking soft and fluffy and clean because from the moment we hit the beach, he was determined to change that. I’ve never seen a dog suffer such agony as he squealed and squirmed and pleaded with his people to be free of the leash and to finally have unlimited access to the water. In fact, I think he would have been swimming by moonlight if given the opportunity that evening! You will see the adorable aftermath of all that water-dog bliss at the end of this gallery. We practically had the beach to ourselves, and it was a gorgeous, peaceful hour before sundown. These boys are growing up fast… Kyle, the younger of the two, has such a beautiful pensive look about him, as though he is looking at you, but he’s somewhere else entirely, lost in a netherworld of his own making. Shawn is a quiet one… but self assured with such a warm nature. I love his giggle. I think we got the last warm summer evening of the season. Perfect… so perfect.

A Birthday Gathering

I’ve had the pleasure of photographing this wonderful family several times throughout the years, and they are such a warm and friendly bunch. I think they have become quite comfortable being photographed … The kids (siblings and cousins) loved to ham it up in front of my lens, and it made for a very funny and entertaining session, complete with a jumping shot! (always a favourite.) It was a special occasion this time around… it was their grandfather’s birthday, and the love that was expressed between these beautiful people was so evident and endearing as I watched them laugh and play together. I always strive for a meaningful connection with the people that I photograph, and it’s so very easy to do so when those people feel like dear friends. I was welcomed with hugs, and we shared in the current events of our lives, and before we knew it, the sun was going down, and it was time to say goodbye. But not forever … I hope we will do this again one day!