Meet Jaime
I am a lover of the sea.... of rainfall and trees and salty, misty air. When I moved to the west coast, I discovered a beauty I had never known before, and it became an essential part of my soul. The landscapes that surrounded me inspired me to pick up my first camera and start capturing what moved me. And everything moved me. I then began photographing my friends, and my love of portrait work was born.
I see beauty everywhere. Whether I am observing the pensive look in a child's eyes, or the playful scrimmage between a dog and his person, when I see the hidden beauty of the natural world through my macro lens, or when my eye catches a certain colour in a shop window... my camera is my tool, my magical moment collector. I will forever see the world in pictures.
I hope to share with you, through my various galleries and blog posts, little stories of love.. snippets of connectedness between humans and animals and all other things that give light to our experience in life. I would like to share with you, little expressions of myself in hopes that you will connect with me so that I can, in turn, capture little pieces of your world for you.
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