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Tank the Turtle


What a handsome guy. He actually sparkles. Look at the detail in his skin.. the beautiful stripes and patterns that mark his neck and body. It’s as though he had put on his best pinstriped tuxedo for his special photo shoot. He definitely looked his best, but he was a little hesitant at first. I mean, this was his first time outside.. out in the big world beyond his tank and all things familiar. We put him down on the ground and he retreated into the safety of his shell, but ever so slowly, he would emerge and look around a little, cautiously curious, before darting his head back in to take a breather. But he loved the sun! Each time he peeped his little head out, he would turn towards the sun and walk in that direction… Towards the warmth. Perhaps he saw it as a bigger version of his heat lamp? Maybe he was a little homesick? It can be a little intimidating being outside of your comfort zone, after all. But he did so well.. especially when we introduced him to the lawn. It was a whole new world of spectacular to explore! Tank is a Mississippi Map Turtle… a species I have never heard of before. I think he is just striking. And such a charmer, in his sweet and gentle ways. A shy one.. but he definitely has sparkle!

1 comment
  • Alison - He is striking! I just love how he sparkles!ReplyCancel